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Top-flight football club Manchester United hit by a sophisticated cyber attack

The Red Devils confirmed late on Friday evening that they had become victims of a sophisticated operation organised by cyber criminals, demonstrating that no one is exempt from this devasting crime.

The club said: "We can confirm that the club has experienced a cyber attack on our systems. The club has taken swift action to contain the attack and is currently working with expert advisers to investigate the incident and minimise the ongoing IT disruption.

"Although this is a sophisticated operation by organised cyber criminals, the club has extensive protocols and procedures in place for such an event and had rehearsed for this risk. Our cyber defences identified the attack and shut down affected systems to contain the damage and protect data.

"Club media channels, including our website and app, are unaffected and we are not currently aware of any breach of personal data associated with our fans and customers. All critical systems required for matches to take place at Old Trafford remain secure and operational and tomorrow’s game against West Bromwich Albion will go ahead."

The West Midlands Cyber Resilience Centre provides a range of services that will enable you to be prepared for a cyber incident and that will help to identify your vulnerability to a potential attack. Check them out here

There are also a number of membership packages available designed to enable you to improve your businesses cyber resilience. Take a look at these here


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